R&R You Ready? Raiding and Retriving: January Dates Coming Your Way!
Raiding and retrieving came up at the first full meeting of the new Board earlier this month, and here's the poop:
The Board is agreed that R&R is really, really important at the same time we realize it's a tough sell sometimes.
It's important as a source of many and varied dancing opportunities. It's important as a vehicle of change, taking us one rather large step towards a world where people see GLBT Americans as equals. It's glue that keeps us in a community that knows a LOT about keeping square dancing clubs going ... and what leads them into decline.
Without raiding and retrieving, we lose friends, we lose perspective, and we lose financial support that our club might one day depend on.
But let's also be honest -- it's more fun when enough of us go in on it together! To that end, Cheryl and I are working on narrowing down January raiding and retrieving opportunities to at most two targets and recruiting a core group to shoot for them! We'll be looking at weekday evenings throughout the month, steering clear of our special dances and the Hotlanta fly-in. Don't be shy about shooting either of us a line to declare yourself R&R-Ready!
Federation Picnic June '08: Sign Up Now! And Don't Throw Any of Those Unwanted Presents Away!
Every year in early June, the St. Louis Federation of Square Dancing Clubs holds a picnic at a park in Overland. Hundreds of people, hundreds of pieces of grilled meat, hours and hours of dancing.
The Gateway Squares were invited to host this time on June 1, 2008, and the outgoing Board accepted. We'll be forming a committee and starting prep work in January, so now's your chance to sign up! Larry, Doug S, and Sandra have already graciously agreed to help out, but we'll eventually need a task force of 10-15. This is your invitation to step forward!
Raffles and bingo games are part of the event, for which we'll need lots of prizes. So please don't throw anything away after all the holiday presents are unwrapped! I'm serious! Keep all the misfit kitchen gadgets, clunky napkin holders, and bizarre glass ornaments. One person's dreck is another person's treasure!